DiverterNoKYC on Mining for the Streets [Episode 63]
DiverterNoKYC joins me to talk about his report "Mining for the Streets" - using Bitcoin miners in your home for acquiring Bitcoin without bending the knee to KYC. We discussed:
-Diverter's story
-Why no KYC
-Mining goals for home mining
-What miners / where to get them
-How to insulate them for sound and heat
-What flavor crayons are best
Follow Diverter:
Twitter - https://twitter.com/diverternokyc
Keybase - https://keybase.io/diverterbtc
Mining for the Streets - https://keybase.pub/diverterbtc/Mining%20for%20the%20Streets.doc
Hardware Market Telegram - https://t.me/HardwareMarket
Antimner Owners Telegram - https://t.me/Bitmainminers
Cryptomining.Tools calculator - https://cryptomining.tools/calculator
What to Mine - https://whattomine.com/
AntMiner specs - https://support.bitmain.com/hc/en-us/sections/360002496253-Specifications
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Music Credits:
Morning Ritual by L'Indecis
https://soundcloud.com/chillhopdotcom/lindecis-morning-ritual - Listen on Soundcloud
http://chillhop.com/listen - Chillhop Records http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify - Listen on Spotify
Fatherhood by Joakim Karud
https://joakimkarud.bandcamp.com/track/fatherhood - Purchase on Bandcamp
https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud/fatherhood?in=joakimkarud/sets/loudness-clarity-ep - Listen on Soundcloud